Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals


Make a Tax Deductible Donation to Empower Girls in STEM

“Take Your Seat at the Table and make sure Your Voice is Heard.”

At ANWEP, we understand that role models and mentors help young women visualize themselves as Professionals and future Leaders which is why our mentoring efforts not only provide successful role models for future women in STEM, but also showcase the range of opportunities a STEM education makes possible. Please use the links below to sponsor up to 10 high school female students to attend the Women in STEM Leadership Annual Conference. 


Sponsor 5 Students

$ 1500 /5 Tickets
  • 5 Seats
  • Dinner for 5

Sponsor A Student

$ 300 /Ticket
  • 1 Seat
  • Dinner for 1

Sponsor 10 Students

$ 3000 /Month
  • 10 Seats
  • Dinner for 10

Our Projects

Empower Girls in STEM

The Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals-ANWEP is a 501(c)3 non profit organization whose mission is to empower Nigerian women to become impactful leaders by forming strategic partnerships to tackle issues that confront women, girls and children in our society. We envision a world in which Nigerian women are role models and champions of change in their lives and society. Our “Empower Girls in STEM” program gives underrepresented groups, including girls and women, a window into STEM careers and builds a network of support and ongoing mentorship for students who are interested in studying and practicing STEM. Our organization is engaged with our home communities in order to leverage the talents we have to the benefit of local students and underprivileged young women. We know that role models and mentors help young women visualize themselves as STEM Professionals and future leaders which is why our mentoring efforts not only provide successful role models for future women in STEM, but also showcase the range of opportunities a STEM education makes possible. 

Statistics show that the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, commonly referred to as STEM, are currently dominated by men. Globally, women account for only 21% of researchers working in engineering, physics and computer sciences, while only three Fortune 500 technology companies are led by women. The lack of female representation proves problematic when you take into account that in the next decade, more than 80% of jobs will require technology skills. One thing fueling the gender disparity is that women and girls are denied access to both the education and technology that allow men to excel in STEM fields.  In developing countries the rates of women participating in STEM education or holding a career in the field are far lower. Your donation will help us work to increase the involvement of women and girls in STEM.

Menstrual Hygiene/Period Poverty

Several studies have shown that Periods are keeping girls out of schools. And if girls are missing from classrooms while they’re on their period, then that deprives them of getting a quality education. A UNESCO report estimates that one in ten girls misses school during their menstrual cycle. Some girls drop out of school altogether once they begin menstruating. To help fight period poverty, the Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals, ANWEP, embarked on a Teen Empowerment outreach mission to donate period supplies to female teenage students in Middle and High Schools in Dallas and Denton Counties. The ANWEP Keep Girls in School “Pad Bank” initiative ensures that students have a steady supply of menstrual hygiene products and that they do not stay away from school because of their monthly cycle.
  • Donate generously to enable us keep a steady supply of sanitary pads for regular distribution to young girls in Dallas and Denton Counties.
  • Donate in kind by sending us supplies of regular sanitary pads.

Our target is 3000 girls a year in Dallas and Denton counties. Your support can enable us reach and even surpass this goal.

On May 28, 2021 ANWEP Dallas Chapter, represented by Chief Mrs. Schola Nweke, Dr. Lynda Mbah and Engr. Ogechi Ugwulebo, visited Roosevelt High School, Dallas, TX on May 28th 2021 to donate period supplies to students and mentor them on the importance of practicing good menstrual hygiene and having self confidence even when they are on their periods. Dr. Lynda Mbah covered many topics including recognizing the warning signs of period-related health issues. The students were very happy and thankful to the ANWEP team for reaching out to them and told us that they feel empowered by seeing successful role models who look like them.

Stop Domestic Violence against Women and Children

Domestic violence occurs in every culture, country, and age group. It affects people from all socioeconomic, educational, and religious backgrounds and happens in both same-sex and heterosexual relationships. Children are also affected by domestic violence, even if they are not abused or do not witness it directly. Although both men and women can be abused, most victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are also more likely to be abused.

ANWEP, has positioned itself to fill a gap in service by serving victims fleeing domestic violence and homelessness. We have a unique opportunity to open a safe house and you can help! Your donations will benefit victims in need of safety while transitioning to independence. At ANWEP, we provide more than a listening ear. We want to empower the women with information and resources for help.

Along with housing placements, we also provide assistance with advocacy, resources and referrals because many times the issues surrounding domestic abuse are more than just housing issues. We believe that no Man, Woman or Child should be abused in any way, Verbal Emotional, Physical, Sexual or Psychological.

As a 501 (c) 3, tax exempt non profit organization, all donations to ANWEP are Fully Tax Deductible.

Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays

Every year, ANWEP adopts some needy families in our immediate community for the holiday season. Our focus is typically on single parent families with young children. The goal is to make every one’s Christmas wishes come true. ANWEP collects the list of wants for Christmas and endeavors to provide most items on the list or issue a gift card to enable the family to purchase food and other necessities.

This year, ANWEP  adopted three needy families. Two families in Nigeria and one family in our immediate DFW community.

Here with the ANWEP National President Engr. Ogechi Ugwulebo, and ANWEP Dallas Chapter members Dr. Lynda Mbah M.D. and Mrs. Lola Henniger (Entrepreneur/Owner  Lola’s Restaurant and Lola’s African Market) delivering a $500 gift card to Patrice Gardner and her children in Dallas, TX.      

This family still needs a lot of help. There are no furniture in their apartment and no beds. Everyone sleeps on the floor. Patrice also struggles with feeding her children every day. According to her, they visit nearby food pantries daily but most times the pantries run out of food. To donate to help Patrice and her five children buy bedroom furniture, clothing and food, please click on the donate button below.