Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals


Covid-19 Vaccine Outreach and Education

One of the many tragedies of covid-19 pandemic has been its disproportionate effect on minority and immigrant communities. Preventing disparities in the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines is important to mitigate the disproportionate impacts of the virus. ANWEP wants to tailor our Covid-19 outreach education activities specifically to our African Immigrant Community in the state of Texas. We want to know where you are in the effort to protect yourself and those around you from Covid-19. Please click the button below to complete a  short survey to let us know if you have taken the Covid-19 Vaccine.

Our site is updated daily with latest Covid-19 Vaccines Information and Recommendations from the CDC


Who We Are

Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals (ANWEP) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization registered in the state of Texas that focuses on women empowerment by working to increase the number of girls/women in STEM education/careers through mentorship, outreach programs, coding workshops and boot camps, role modeling and support for women in crisis. At ANWEP, we understand that role models and mentors help young women visualize themselves as Professionals and future Leaders which is why our mentoring efforts not only provide successful role models for future women in STEM, but also showcase the range of opportunities a STEM education makes possible. We also recognize that female education is a crucial component to poverty alleviation, and investing in girls education helps delay early marriage and parenthood. We believe that the key to ensure that aspiring women scientists stay in STEM, are mentors that they can emulate. ANWEP also provides supportive services to domestic violence survivors and educates girls and women about intimate partner abuse and recognizing the warning signs of sexual exploitation.



Our “Empower Girls in STEM” program gives underrepresented groups, particularly girls and women, a window into STEM careers and builds a network of support and ongoing mentorship for students who are interested in studying and practicing STEM. ANWEP recognizes that female education is a crucial component to poverty alleviation and investing in girls’ education also helps delay early marriage and parenthood. It is ANWEP’s goal to increase the number of women in STEM through our mentorship efforts and our career-focused programs and initiatives.

Fight Against Domestic Violence

Our Fundraising efforts enable us to provide temporary shelters for young mothers in Dallas and Denton Counties who are victims of domestic violence. We have opened a channel of communication for women who are battered to reach out for help by organizing workshops and outreach programs to spread awareness on domestic violence and the abuse of women and children in our community. Our counseling services and training are designed to help victims become socially and economically autonomous.


We live in a society that puts women on the back burner and as a result, most women and young girls do not reach their full potential professionally. Our Confident Girl Self Esteem initiative is designed to help our younger generation develop a leadership mindset at a very young age. The ultimate aim of this association is to encourage and train significant numbers of women for informed leadership positions that will ultimately promote a progressive development agenda. This we can accomplish through our leadership and entrepreneurial conferences.

Donate To A Cause

The Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals-ANWEP is a 501(c)3 non profit organization whose mission is to empower Nigerian women to become impactful leaders by forming strategic partnerships to tackle issues that confront women, girls and children in our society.

We envision a world in which Nigerian women are role models and champions of change in their lives and society. Our “Empower Girls in STEM” program gives underrepresented groups, including girls and women, a window into STEM careers and builds a network of support and ongoing mentorship for students who are interested in studying and practicing STEM.

Donate generously to enable us keep a steady supply of sanitary pads for regular distribution to young girls in Dallas and Denton Counties. Donate in kind by sending us supplies of regular sanitary pads.

Our target is 3000 girls a year in Dallas and Denton counties. Your support can enable us reach and even surpass this goal.


The week of May 24th through May 28th is Period Poverty Awareness Week. May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day.
Several studies have UNESCO report estimates that one in ten girls misses school during their menstrual cycle. Some girls drop out of school altogether once they begin menstruating.

To help fight period poverty, the Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals, ANWEP, embarked on a Teen Empowerment outreach mission to donate period supplies to female teenage students in 5 schools selected by the ANWEP Board of Directors this year.

ANWEP Dallas Chapter, represented by Chief Mrs. Schola Nweke, Dr. Lynda Mbah and Engr. Ogechi Ugwulebo, visited Roosevelt High School, Dallas, TX on May 28th 2021 to donate period supplies to students and mentor them on the importance of practicing good menstrual hygiene and having self confidence even when they are on their periods. Dr. Lynda Mbah covered many topics including recognizing the warning signs of period-related health issues. The students were very happy and thankful to the ANWEP team for reaching out to them and told us that they feel empowered by seeing successful role models who look like them.


A big Thank You to our Confident Girl Self Esteem, Proper Etiquette and Positive Body Image Workshop Volunteers and Presenters. It is the generous support of individuals like you that makes it possible for our organization to exist and helps make the community a great place to live. Having low self esteem is no joke and teenage girls are the most vulnerable. Support ANWEP’s Confident Girl Self Esteem and Positive Body Image Workshop for girls ages 9 – 17. Help us raise Leaders not followers. Order a Confident Girl T-shirt today!



In support of our mentoring outreach efforts in STEM, ANWEP organized and executed a successful inaugural gala on May 5th, 2018 that showcased five STEM advocates from the corporate sector who served as guest speakers. High school students from Dallas and Denton county school districts were offered free admission to this event which featured a $500 scholarship drawing won by a student from Garland High School, Miss Abrielle Williams, a junior with a 3.8 GPA whose STEM area of interest is Computer Science.....


In fulfillment of our empowerment mission, ANWEP offers a free workshop for teen girls on self esteem and body image. Having poor body image can have numerous negative effects, one of the most common is lowered self-esteem, which carries with it its own associated risks. Poor body image is also connected to bullying, with youth who have poor body image more likely to be perpetrators or targets of bullying behavior....


Every year, ANWEP adopts some needy families in our immediate community for the holiday season. Our focus is typically on single parent families with young children. The goal is to make every one’s Christmas wishes come true. ANWEP collects the list of wants for Christmas and endeavors to provide most items on the list or issue a gift card to enable the family to purchase food and other necessities.

This year, ANWEP adopted three needy families. Two families in Nigeria and one family in our immediate DFW community...
