Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Empower Girls in STEM Coding Camp

ANWEP is excited to be hosting a free coding camp for high school students this summer. This camp is for Teens in 9th-11th grade (ages 14-18). 

Participants will earn beginner-level badges in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development, or intermediate-level badges in Python for cybersecurity.

Click here to join the Zoom Webinar

Beginner or No Experience
  • You have never written a program or you’ve only written a couple of simple programs in one language.
  • You are excited to learn!
Intermediate and Above 
  • You have written multiple programs in either one or a variety of program languages before.
  • You feel comfortable using variables and conditionals in your program. You have heard of other more complex constructs like loops, functions, and arrays/lists, but you may not have used them.
  • You can describe the flow of a simple program. You can explain the sequence of commands and you are starting to see patterns in how you write similar programs.
  • You run and test your code often looking for bugs. When your code doesn’t work, you can think of at least one action to take.

Date: 8/8/2022 – 8/12/2022
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm CST
Location: Virtual Event

Please complete the form below to sign up for this workshop.